SOREDI’s LAUNCH Ashland to Award $500 to Top Pitch at December PubTalk

Tuesday, December 13, beginning at 5:30 pm, LAUNCH Ashland will offer a Pub Talk for area start-ups at the Schneider Museum of Art on the SOU Campus. The program will feature a series of 5-minute Startup Pitches, given by area entrepreneurs. The audience favorite will walk away with a $500 Cash Prize. Appetizers and coffee/tea will be provided at the event.

“We are so excited to see how well the LAUNCH Ashland effort has been received,” says Colleen Padilla, Executive Director at SOREDI.  “Our core partners, City of Ashland, Southern Oregon University, and the Small Business Development Center at SOU have really helped us pull this together. The entrepreneurial spirit in Ashland is palpable. We have had 40 – 60 people turn out for these events in the last couple of months. These local start-up operators are some of the most fascinating, hardworking people I’ve ever met. I can’t wait to hear their pitches. I’m so looking forward to giving away this prize. Without our core partners, none of this would be possible.”

If you have a business idea and would like to compete for the prize, you may do so by e-mailing Codi Spodnik, Communications Manager and Tim Root, Venture Catalyst will do a random drawing of all the entries. Five or six companies will pitch, as time allows. To enter, send your contact information and a brief description of your business idea to Codi. You must also answer this question, “What are you hoping to get out of this opportunity to pitch your business to this group (besides $500)?”

Entries received after December 7, 2016, will be entered into the drawing for the next Pitch Contest.

About SOREDI: SOREDI is a private, membership-based, non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors. Its seven-person staff is charged with local business expansion and new business recruitment efforts, financial assistance to start-up companies through its business loan fund, and management of Enterprise Zones in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The agency was formed as a regional economic development agency in 1987. Learn more at

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