Member News: Groundbreaking for Mycorrhizal Applications Expansion in White City

(Salman Mir, Commissioner Roberts, Colleen Padilla, Tom Walker)

SOREDI was pleased to announce and participate in the Mycorrhizal Applications groundbreaking in White City. Founded in Grants Pass, expansion to Jackson County has been driven by its growing international customer base and the need to automate processing to meet the demand. Their new facility at 879 Avenue G in White City will focus on manufacturing and distribution.

Mycorrhizal Applications was founded in 1995 and is one of the world’s leading manufacturers and suppliers of mycorrhizal soil inoculants. It was acquired by Valent BioSciences in 2015 for which Salman Mir is COO.

Photos credit David Gibb Photography

The event was well attended by local businesses and jurisdictions, and we thank Commissioner Roberts for her participation. SOREDI member Adroit Construction was awarded project developer, represented by Tom Walker, Owner and CEO.

Mycorrhizal Applications Plant Manager Timothy Herrell and other company officials have been in conversations and due diligence to find suitable property with proximity to the Interstate, since May 2021, and requested assistance from SOREDI at that time.  “This expansion plan has been many years in the making, and we are thrilled to see this project finally coming together, helping us automate our processes and continue our international expansion. We are grateful for the community support thus far and connections made by SOREDI to critical partners and incentives to help us in our growth strategy,” notes Herrell. More information about Mycorrhizal Applications can be found at

“Mycorrhizal Applications is a classic case in how a company grows over time. It has been an honor to work with this manufacturer, which is the basis for which SOREDI was created, to help companies create new jobs and investments adding to the economic vitality of the entire region.  Southern Oregon directly benefits from new capital investments that support the property tax base, create new jobs, and funnel new wealth into our communities,” states Colleen Padilla, Executive Director of SOREDI.

About SOREDI: SOREDI is a private, membership-funded, non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors. Its 5-person staff is charged with local business expansion and new business recruitment efforts, financial assistance to start-up companies through its business loan fund, and management of Enterprise Zones in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The agency was formed as a regional economic development agency in 1987. Learn more at

© 1987-2024 SOREDI 1311 East Barnett Road, Suite 301, Medford 97504 • Phone: (541) 773-8946 • Fax: (541) 779-0953