Built Oregon Launches Accelerator For Consumer Products Companies.

With many great consumer products companies in Oregon already, Built Oregon is looking to build on this to make Oregon the leader in consumer product innovation and development. But becoming a leader requires laying the foundations of support, knowledge and resources upon which companies can engage.

Built Oregon is launching the country’s first not for profit consumer product accelerator in Oregon.

And what does ‘not for profit’ accelerator mean? It means there are no equity or strings attached to the participation in the program, it’s totally free. The program lasts 16 weeks starting May 2019.

Interested companies from across the state are encouraged to apply here. 

More Details / FAQs:

What stage company is this aimed at?

For the accelerator program, we are looking to engage  companies with ideally $125K-$1MM in revenue. Don’t hit that revenue mark, but getting close? Have an awesome product you think is compelling enough for us to take on? Go ahead and fill out the application.

What is considered a consumer product?

Food and beverage. Apparel, outdoor, and footwear. Health and beauty. Home accessories. Pet products. Our belief is that if you are selling a product to a consumer, you are a consumer product.

What type of support is available?

  • Finance and Operations
  • Branding
  • Sales Channels and Retail Partnerships
  • Marketing and Sales
  • Manufacturing and Production
  • Fundraising
  • If Applicable: Food Safety and Regulations
  • Sustainability
  • Direct to Consumer Strategies
  • Supply Chain
  • Human Resources and Talent Recruitment/Management
  • How to Create a Responsible Company

What’s the time commitment for participants?

As a participant in the Built Accelerator you will be expected to:

  • Participate in weekly check ins with the accelerator leads
  • Attend (in-person or via video) weekly educational sessions
  • Be committed to meeting with mentors on a regular basis based on your company’s specific needs
  • Participate in monthly cohort family dinners/gatherings
  • Participate in the Built Festival  – Fall 2019

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