Over the last twenty years, AllCare IPA has grown to better serve Southern Oregon under the AllCare Health brand. AllCare Health is a physician owned organization headquartered in Grants Pass, Oregon. It started in 1994 when a small group of local physicians formed an Independent Physician Association (IPA) to focus on prevention of illness and promotion of healthy lifestyles. In addition to the IPA, AllCare Health provides services to Medicaid enrollees through AllCare CCO (a state sponsored Care Coordination Organization), Medicare services through AllCare Advantage, and electronic medical records to 400 practices through AllCare eHealth Services. AllCare Health is owned by 90 physicians and other health care providers and it contracts with more than 1500 local specialists and hospitals to ensure Southern Oregon residents have access to the full continuum of health services they need. AllCare Health serves more than 54,000 people who live in Josephine, Jackson, Curry, and Southern Douglas Counties.
Capping 20 years of growth, AllCare Health opened a new 45,000 square foot office building in Grants Pass at the end of 2016. This is a community resource that supports all of the organization’s lines of business and also serves as a community meeting place where patients and their families can participate in health education programs such as cooking classes, parenting and early childhood development classes, and a “Living Well” program for those with chronic diseases such as diabetes. AllCare Health offers face-to-face customer service and sponsors many community events.
The doctors who form the backbone of AllCare Health have been caring for the community for decades, helping mothers give birth to healthy babies, treating the sick and elderly, and ensuring that the healthy stay healthy. “If I hadn’t received a call from AllCare Health about getting screened for colorectal cancer, I wouldn’t have discovered that I had colon cancer,” said Carolyn Benjamin of Glendale, a colon cancer survivor. “Just by making a quick phone call to ask if I’d been screened, AllCare Health saved my life, and I’m forever grateful for that.”
Beyond basic medical care, AllCare Health looks at the totality of each patient’s needs, which include preventive care, mental health and addictions, oral health, as well as the root causes of poor health such as unstable housing, lack of transportation, and poor early childhood learning. “In keeping with our patient promise which is “Changing Healthcare to Work for You,” we can better deliver these services to our patients in our new building,” said Doug Flow during the ground-breaking ceremony held in 2015.
AllCare Health has pioneered a broad range of community-focused services. Dr. Mark Bradshaw, Chief Medical Officer at AllCare Health, is a strong proponent of community-based supportive housing for the mentally ill. For decades, Oregon has moved to deinstitutionalize psychiatric care and AllCare Health works with the state to transition people out of the state psychiatric hospital and into safe and supportive community housing. Other programs include The BABE Store for new parents, ReadyRide for transportation, and school-based clinics.
Instead of treating people when they get sick, AllCare Health’s commitment is to keep them healthy, intervene early through preventive screenings, and better manage chronic conditions through patient education, medication management, and promotion of healthier lifestyles. The goal is to improve individuals’ quality of life while also improving AllCare Health’s bottom line. And every dollar saved is invested back into the community to address the root causes of poor health. By embracing a mission that is community based and focused on quality care and quality of life, AllCare Health is at the forefront of healthcare in America.
AllCare Health | 1701 NE 7th Street, Grants Pass, OR 97526 | www.allcarehealth.com | (541) 471-4106
© 1987-2025 SOREDI 100 E Main Street, Suite A • PO Box 4672 • Medford, OR 97501 • Phone: (541) 773-8946