Special Holiday Industry Tour Offered by SOREDI

Medford OR – On Friday, December 9, 2016, SOREDI will host a full bus of local educators and business professionals on a holiday-themed Industry Tour. Guests might want to bring some of their gift-giving budget along to do some shopping along the way. The morning will begin with a light snacks and coffee at Springhill Suites, 1389 Center Drive, Medford, at 8:00 am, where guests will board the bus for the tour by 8:20 am. The cost for the tour is $40 and exclusive for SOREDI Members only. These tours are made possible by co-sponsors Regence BlueCross BlueShield and US Bank, with support from Business Oregon. Local educators are invited to attend at no charge, compliments of our sponsors.

SOREDI Members are invited to visit Harry & David, for an extended tour that will include not only their production and packing areas, but also their corporate offices. In addition, guests will visit the Mail Tribune, where they will be able to see the printing press that creates thousands of newspapers for delivery every morning. Fry Family Farm is another stop on the tour. Prepare your senses to be regaled by local pies, baked goods, jams, specialty sauces, fermented items, cheese, honey, eggs, wine, flowers and more items than you thought a farm could produce! Guests will also tour Varney Manufacturing, one of Medford’s hidden gems of production, with two fully equipped machine shops offering services from design, CAD drawings, part modeling, prototyping, first article approval and production capabilities ranging from twenty five pieces to thousands of pieces.

A lunch stop at The Bohemian Club in downtown Medford will be included between tour locations.

“One of the most important functions of these Industry Tours is the development of closer cooperation and collaboration between the public and private sector,” says Kathy Trautman, Business Development Manager at SOREDI. “We always make sure to include school superintendents, guidance counselors, and educators so they can get a first-hand look at the careers available in order to prepare students before and after they graduate.” Trautman continues, “It just helps all of us get to know more about all our region has to offer in regard to career opportunities as well as connecting as a community.

About SOREDI: SOREDI is a private, membership-based, non-profit organization, governed by a board of directors. Its seven-person staff is charged with local business expansion and new business recruitment efforts, financial assistance to start-up companies through its business loan fund, and management of Enterprise Zones in Jackson and Josephine Counties. The agency was formed as a regional economic development agency in 1987. Learn more at https://soredi.org.

PDF Download: Special Holiday Industry Tour Offered by SOREDI

© 1987-2024 SOREDI 100 E Main Street, Suite A, Medford, OR 97501 • Phone: (541) 773-8946