Regional News: Oregon Connections 2023 Conference Coming!

This conference is an important opportunity to hear what the latest news is regarding broadband and telecommunications for the State of Oregon, including Southern Oregon. Networking is the added extra for connecting with and learning from colleagues. Breakout session topics include AI, working partnerships, funding opportunities, future proofing, telehealth, and more.



Oregon Senator, Ron Wyden, will be Thursday’s keynote speaker. He will be discussing his vision for a future when all Oregonians have access to highspeed and affordable Broadband, and the tools to use it effectively.

Friday’s closing keynote is Adam Geisler, President/COO of Tribal Ready PBC and former Division Chief Tribal Connectivity at the National Telecommunications & Info Administration (NTIA). In his role at NTIA, Adam oversaw the $3 billion Tribal Broadband Connectivity Program (TBCP).  He will speak on his experience managing the TBCP and suggest how it might inform our approach to implementation of BEAD funding for the State of Oregon.

Click here to view the entire conference agenda. To register, click here. The current list of registrants can be found here.

The Oregon Connections Telecommunications Conference, Inc, is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization. The conference has been held for the past 25 years and has moved around the State of Oregon, from La Grande, to Bend, to Newport, to Hood River and now to Ashland. Attendees include educators, government representatives, internet service providers, municipalities, healthcare representatives, tribal nations, equipment vendors, and more.

Content pulled from Oregon Connections website

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