OEDA Announces New Executive Director

It’s with great excitement that OEDA announces the hiring of a new Executive Director. With the help of Non-Profit Professionals, OEDA identified four final candidates for second interviews of which, one rose clearly to the top.

Caitlyn Quwenikov is full of energy and the “let’s figure it out and get it done” attitude that has shaped OEDA through its volunteerism and professional direction. Caitlyn most recently worked as the Interim Director at the Tualatin Chamber of Commerce and prior to that, spent 10 years in the private sector in a teams based management position with experience in member recruitment, events planning, marketing and sales.

OEDA acknowledges the incredible amount of work the executive committee put into this recruitment. Caitlyn will start full time on April 18th.

“I am excited to have the opportunity to serve and support Oregon’s champions of Economic Development through the good works of this amazing organization. OEDA has the potential to make an even greater impact in the coming years as the need for guidance grows, so I look forward to collaborating with the team and contributing to their success.”

— Caitlyn Quwenikov

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