Oregon BEST FEST – September 8 & 9

PrintWhat: Oregon BEST FEST,  a 2-day conference showcasing the best of cleantech innovation and technology in Oregon.  Cleantech is cool! This event is open to the public and for anyone interested in technology, sustainability, research, ideas, job creation, economic development and improving the planet in some way.  TICKETS are available HERE

At Oregon BEST FEST, you are joining a diverse audience of university researchers, entrepreneurs, industry leaders, and more to accelerate solutions to environmental challenges. This two-day, hands-on gathering harnesses Oregon’s spirit of innovation in sustainability to improve the world’s ability to live, work, and build in healthier and more sustainable ways.

Where: World Trade Center, 121 SW Salmon Street, Portland OR 97205 View Map

When: Thursday and Friday Sept 8 – 9th, 2016

Why you should attend: Networking, networking, networking. Find funding opportunities, learn, be inspirited, get fresh ideas and perspectives, engaging in problem solving with a community of thinkers and creators. Make new friends, connect with old ones and have moments of serendipity!

Highlights: 2 Keynote speakers, 7 inspiring Catalyst Presentations, Reverse Pitches, up to 60 Exhibitors, Funding workshops, Cleantech Pitches and Judging, Special guest Ted Wheeler, Evening reception, live music and 400 incredible people to network with!

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