One Rogue Valley (1RV) Regional Strategy

One Rogue Valley

5 year comprehensive economic development strategy (CEDS) specific to the Rogue Valley.

Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development, Inc. (SOREDI) contracted with TIP Strategies, an economic strategy firm based in Austin, TX, and Seattle, WA, to develop a comprehensive strategic plan to guide economic development efforts in the region for the next five years. Funding for the plan came from 31 regional partners (a full list can be found to the right), including SOREDI. This was the first regional economic development strategic plan of this magnitude in Southern Oregon in over 20 years. Although the plan focuses on strategies for the next five years, the impacts will extend well beyond that timeframe.

In 2019, TIP and SOREDI mined extensive statistical data and conducted interviews, roundtables, and meetings with community leaders and public & private stakeholders from across the region, to gather input for the plan. This insight, combined with TIP’s extensive experience and understanding of best practices from other regions, identified key themes; each with actionable goals and initiatives for Southern Oregon.

The plan meets all of the requirements outlined by the U.S. Economic Development Administration (EDA) to qualify as SOREDI’s 2020-2025 Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS).

To see SOREDI's progress in this strategy, click here.

Ausland Group
Avista Corporation
City of Ashland
Town of Butte Falls
City of Central Point
City of Eagle Point
City of Grants Pass
City of Jacksonville
City of Medford
City of Phoenix
City of Shady Cove
City of Rogue River
City of Talent
Cow Creek Tribe
Jackson County
JB Steel, Inc.
Josephine County
KDA Homes
Pacific Power
Rogue Disposal
Rogue Workforce Partnership
S&B James
Southern Oregon Sanitation Inc.
Southern Oregon University
Travel Southern Oregon
US Bank Corp.

Aaron Ausland-CEO, Ausland Group
Jerry Brienza- Director, Rogue Valley Int'l-Medford Airport
Terri Coppersmith-VP Finance, Plexis Healthcare Systems
Chris DuBose-Market President, First Interstate Bank
Pat Fahey-Founder, Southern Oregon Sanitation
Darin Fowler-Josephine County Commissioner
Brad Hicks-President & CEO, Chamber of Medford/Jackson County
Dr. Cathy Kemper-Pelle-President, Rogue Community College
Christina Kruger-Regional Business Manager, PacifiCorp
Roy Lindsay-Mayor, City of Grants Pass
Brian Sjothun-City Manager, City of Medford
Bob Strosser-Jackson County Commissioner
Bill Thorndike-President, Medford Fabrication
Steve Vincent-Oregon Regional Business Manager, Avista 
Roy Vinyard-Senior Advisor, Former President & CEO, Asante 
John White-Regional Manager, Boise Cascade

Lindsay Berryman-Owner, Sacca di Italiana and former Medford Mayor
Jon Bowen-Tourism & Downtown Development, City of Grants Pass
Peter Buckley-Program Manager, Southern Oregon Success, former State Representative
Alan DeBoer-Former Ashland Mayor and State Senator
Jim Fong-Executive Director, Rogue Workforce Partnership
Stacie Grier-People Operations, Quantum 
Nikki Jones-Owner, Express Employment
Eli Matthews-Senior VP, Travel Medford
Brad Niva-Executive Director, Travel Southern Oregon
Joanna Quirke-HR Specialist, Cummins Electrification
Cynthia Scherr-Owner, Scherr Management Consulting
Susan Seereiter-Business Advocate, City of Grants Pass
Sandra Slattery-Executive Director, Ashland Chamber of Commerce
Marta Tarantsey-Regional Development Officer, Business Oregon
Jim Teece-President & CEO, Project A
Julie Thomas-Owner, Concierge Home and Business Watch


Sid DeBoer Founder & Chairman, Lithia Motors Inc

“Southern Oregon has so much to offer and we need to make concerted efforts to determine our best path forward. Livability, business development, talent attraction, attention to established and emerging industries, balanced with efforts in tourism – this is the work we collectively established SOREDI to do on behalf of our region. Your voice is critically important in this process to update our regional strategy."

Steve Lightman President, Harry & David

“SOREDI has been a vital asset to the Rogue Valley for decades, helping businesses prosper and advance economic opportunities in the area. As the organization works to update its Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy (CEDS), it is important for the community to have a voice in shaping the future economic vitality of the region. I encourage everyone to share their opinion in this survey and let their voice be heard as we continue to work toward making Southern Oregon one the most business-friendly regions on the west coast.”

Ron Vinyard Senior Advisor and former President and CEO, Asante 

"Southern Oregon is a diverse, vibrant community with a world-class health care system as one of its many attributes. However, sustaining the community of employees that support that system, along with the community at large, is increasingly challenging. It is critically important that we undertake a strategic look and develop a plan for what we envision our community to be in the coming decades. This process, including input from the community, is a vital part of developing an economic growth strategy and plan for the future."

Dr. Linda Schott President, Southern Oregon University

"Southern Oregon University carried out a strategic planning process two and a half years ago. We learned a great deal about what our institution is and what it can be, and the resulting plan is guiding us into what we believe will be a successful future for the university, our students and our region. Local economic development leaders are now embarking on a similar process for southern Oregon as a whole, and I couldn’t be more enthusiastic in my support. The process will be revealing and the outcome will enable the region to move confidently forward."

Steve Roe General Manager, Roe Motors

"SOREDI's comprehensive strategic plan is important for their long-term success, including their many Southern Oregon partners. In our rapidly changing business and community environments, this updated plan will be the foundation for all of us to work together to maximize our many opportunities. Gathering diverse community input is vital for a well-developed strategic plan that can be communicated to each stakeholder. This plan will be important for all industry and community sectors in the years ahead to fully utilize our talented workforce."

Steve Vincent Oregon Regional Business Manager, Avista 

"In 1906 the Rogue River Valley Gas Company was formed to provide gas heat predominately to the ag sector as well commercial building heat in downtown Medford. Fast forward 100 years later where today we enjoy a broad diversity of industry and sectors with stable payrolls and economic opportunities. How much of today’s economic vitality was planned or happen stance? This long-term regional strategic plan facilitated by SOREDI involving so many vital stakeholders establishes a collaborative and purposeful direction that will result in generational economic well-being."

Dr. Cathy Kemper-Pelle President, Rogue Community College 

"Rogue Community College works closely with local employers to align its programs to the employment needs of the region. Demographics and technology are rapidly impacting the workplace, making it challenging to prepare the workforce of the future. Broad engagement from across the region coupled with strong data analytics will help us develop a sound plan. This regional strategy is necessary to ensure the economic growth and quality of life we want to continue enjoying in Southern Oregon. "

Chris DuBose Market President, First Interstate Bank

“The strategic plan is imperative to ensure the long term success and vitality of Southern Oregon. As our Region looks out over the next 25 years this plan will help establish the groundwork for how we leverage the strengths and overcome our weaknesses in order achieve the goals of our collaborative region.”

Colleen Padilla Executive Director, SOREDI

“SOREDI continues to be the regional champion for our economy and we are serious about business development. We are taking concrete steps to be informed learners and leaders, redefine our region as it continually diversifies, and focus on unifying best practices and tactics that lead us to becoming the most business-friendly region on the west coast; we are confident we are on the right track in this robust effort with TIP Strategies.”


© 1987-2024 SOREDI 1311 East Barnett Road, Suite 301, Medford 97504 • Phone: (541) 773-8946