Here at SOREDI, we talk a lot of Acronyms- which is always fun for new hires. Here’s a list that may be referenced in an upcoming blog. π
Important AcronymsΒ
- 1RVC β One Rogue Valley Coalition (Group of individuals working on 2020-2025 One Rogue Valley CEDS)
- ACT! β CRM database
- BEP – Business Education Partnership
- BRE β Business Retention & Expansion Program
- CDBG- Community Development Block Grant
- CEDS β Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy
- CoE – Center of Excellence
- CRM β Customer Relationship Management
- EDA β Economic Development Administration
- EDD – Economic Development District
- EZβs – Enterprise Zones
- F:Drive β Shared Drive on server where all agency information is stored.
- IEDC- International Economic Development Council
- IGA β Intergovernmental Agreement
- LISC- Local Initiatives Support Corporation
- NADO β National Association of Development Organization
- NOFO- Notice of Funding Opportunity
- OED β Oregon Employment Department
- OEDA β Oregon Economic Development Association
- OEDD- Oregon Economic Development Department (Business Oregon)
- OMEP β Oregon Manufacturing Extension Partnership
- One:Drive- Shared Drive in the cloud where some agency information is stored.
- OTBC- Oregon Technology Business Center
- Portfol β The Loan Serving software system
- RAMP β Rogue Advanced Manufacturing Partnership
- RLF- Revolving Loan Fund
- RVCOG β Rogue Valley Council of Governments
- RWP β Rogue Workforce Partnership
- SBDC- Small Business Development Center
- SOREDI- Us (Southern Oregon Regional Economic Development Inc.)
- UGB β Urban Growth Boundary