SOREDI seeks Round 3 Matching Grant applications from Jackson County Small Businesses  


Date: November 2, 2020 

Contact: Colleen Padilla, Executive Director (541) 773-8946 


Medford, Oregon – In response to the huge economic losses seen during the pandemic, Jackson County still has approximately $145,000 in Round 3 Matching Grant funds available to qualifying small businesses.   The requirements for Round 3 stipulate that the business: 

  • Is located in Jackson County. 
  • Has not already received funding from a different matching grant round. 
  • Has received limited PPP+EIDL. (If the business is a small company, $5000 usually disqualifies it for funding). 
  • Has experienced 50% or more decline in revenues due to COVID-19. 
  • Is currently open for business. 
  • Has fewer than 25 employees.  

 Only complete applications submitted by Friday, November 13, 2020 will be considered. Applications for a Round 3 Matching Grant are available at and/or completed applications can be submitted via email to 

SOREDI has worked with multiple jurisdictions in the region tadminister Business Oregon matching grant funds since June.  To date, approximately $1.3 million has been distributed in four separate rounds.  Rounds 1, 2, and 4 have been depleted. No further rounds from Business Oregon are expected.  

Round 4 funds, announced October 7, 2020 were exhausted almost immediately and wait list entries are no longer being accepted.  SOREDI and its counterpart agency CCD Business Corporation were able to award $650,000 to 128 businesses in Jackson and Josephine Counties in Round 4.  

Jackson County participated in both Round 1 and Round 3$145,000 was distributed to businesses in Jackson County in Round 1.  Round 3 was allotted $250,000 and still has approximately $145,000 remaining to distribute.  These funds are intended to be equally accessible to all businesses including the historically disadvantaged population groups (Asian, Black, Hispanic, Native American, and Women-owned businesses).  

“We encourage small businesses to apply now before it is too late,” says Colleen Padilla, Executive Director of SOREDI. “Regrettably, we do not expect any additional rounds of funding to become available in response to COVID-19.” 

© 1987-2024 SOREDI 100 E Main Street, Suite A, Medford, OR 97501 • Phone: (541) 773-8946