Community Gems: Where the Stars and Stripes and the Eagle Fly

If you have ever driven past Eagle Point on Memorial Day or the Fourth of July, you will notice one thing in particular—Eagle Point does patriotism like few other cities in Southern Oregon. Flags line the streets and townspeople gather for celebrations of our great nation. In fact, the town has an entire ‘Avenue of Flags’ that begins at Highway 62 and follows the road for three miles. Each of the 175 flags used in the display was donated by the loved ones of a deceased veteran. The Avenue of Flags winds its way up the hill toward the Eagle Point National Cemetery—which is one of three nationally recognized cemeteries in the state of Oregon. Opened in 1952, and currently spanning forty-three acres, the cemetery is a beautifully kept place of remembrance for all of America’s veterans, and is also showered with flags during any of the United States’ memorial holidays.

2019 marks the sixtieth year of Eagle Point’s Annual Independence Day celebration. With a morning ‘Fun Run,’ a Boy Scout Pancake Breakfast, and then vendor booths opening at 9am along the streets, the pre-parade activities are entertaining for all ages. At 11am the traditional parade begins, and spectators are told to look for “new twists as well as the familiar Eagle Point Independence Day favorites.” One of these favorites includes a performance by the Blue Knights, a traveling marching band that has received national recognition over the years for their impressive formations. And of course, you can’t miss the local women’s club kazoo band (who might also be playing the wazoos—excessively loud kazoos). Throughout the rest of the day, there are games and activities for all, including an annual skydiving lottery in the evening (divers parachute onto a field of plates and every person in the crowd hopes someone lands on his or her plate). Once dusk settles over the valley, a firework show is scheduled to take place at the high school football stadium. “We’re a small town in most people’s minds, but the show is really spectacular,” says Eagle Point’s mayor, Ruth Jenks. “Truly impressive.”

And would we really expect any less from Eagle Point, a city bearing the name of America’s national bird? Eagle Point proudly embraces their small-town patriotism. So, whether or not you plan to stop by Eagle Point and see their festivities for yourself, all of us at SOREDI wish you a fun (and safe) Fourth of July! God Bless America!

Thanks to the newest addition to our SOREDI team, our SOU intern, Abigail Skelton, we will continue to feature some of the popular attractions located in our Southern Oregon communities. We consider each one of our towns and cities to be “jewels in the crown” that makes up Southern Oregon. If you have a story idea sparked by an inspiring local attraction, please e-mail our Communications Manager, Codi Spodnik and maybe Abigail will be giving you a call to follow up.  If you are a SOREDI Member and you have some great news, please e-mail it to Codi so we can share it in our newsletter.

Additional Sources:

Eagle Point Chamber of Commerce (2019). 60 Years celebrating American Pride. Website:

© 1987-2024 SOREDI 100 E Main Street, Suite A, Medford, OR 97501 • Phone: (541) 773-8946