Notes From Colleen’s Desk: Ob Portu

 Jeremiah the prophet pondered a bit, prophesied of course, and frequently wept for the people of Israel. I particularly like Michelangelo’s rendering of the “weeping prophet” as I think it is good to contemplate many things deeply. As a planner at heart though, I know I can experience paralysis analysis as I rethink and rethink again. Maybe you, too.

While my reading selections aren’t necessarily eclectic, I do find certain authors to be favorites and will search out their writings at discount bookstores. Such is the case with one of my favorites, Mark Batterson. I recently picked up his older book entitled “In a Pit with a Lion on a Snowy Day”. Yep, that is the title. Great read on courage and Benaiah, a mighty warrior connected to King David, who later would lead Solomon’s army. If you are not familiar with this biblical account, you can find it beginning in 2 Samuel 23:20.

A week ago, I was pondering many life events, including the unexpected passing of my children’s father in May 2010, and the passing of both my parents in more recent years. I was reflecting on my current joy, as well, living in my childhood home with my oldest son. It has been 5 years in that old house, full of many memories and stories from chipmunks under the fridge, rogue cars careening through the front yard, re-piping the house and replacing the HVAC.

But when opportunity knocks and you know it’s not your journey anymore, it is time to move on and pass over the reins. Literally, it’s time to hand the house keys over to my son and move out! So, I began to plan. Actually, it was more like over-the-top pontification, pondering, and passing copious amounts of time that should have been devoted to more glorious endeavors like a pleasant walk with Rosie and a peaceful night’s rest.

All of that brings me to the title of this writing – Ob Portu. Following high school graduation, I was accepted into the University of Oregon to study linguistics; however, I ended up pursuing a different opportunity instead. Nonetheless, I still retain a certain fascination with the origin of words.

The Latin term, ob portu, was a new revelation to me when reading the aforementioned book. Ob portu literally refers to how ships, before modern harbor technology, waited to enter port at the precise moment when the tide would carry it into the harbor. If missed, the captain and crew would have to wait for another tide to come in. Time could be lost, the opportunity missed.

So, what does Jeremiah have to do with it? Well, Batterson references Jeremiah 46:17 and suggests it might be the saddest Scripture ever: “Pharoah king of Egypt is only a loud noise; he has missed his opportunity.” A particular moment of high potential for the Pharoah came and went – he missed seeing and then seizing that opportunity.

I am standing with my face to wind on the aft of my personal ship, recognizing that my ob porto moment is here.  I’m not going to miss this clear sign to be bold and move on, despite the less than favorable housing market.  So, I put an offer down on a new home and 7 hours later it was accepted! This ship is sailing smoothly into a new harbor as I write.

Rosie also had her own opportunity surface just last week, within the hour of my decision to kick myself out of my house. Embarking upon our evening walk, I couldn’t help but notice and begin stamping down evidence of another dreaded mole tunnel.  And then the ground moved! Much to Rosie’s delight, she promptly stuck her nose in the dirt and pulled out that pesky mole in less than 5 seconds. Ob portu!

Turning attention to SOREDI headquarters and the fabulous four – who truly could be warriors right alongside Benaiah – the words of James Wallace, a British politician from the 1700’s rings true that “opportunity comes to pass – not to pause.”

No more time to pause and pontificate! We are pleased to announce that Terrill Roper has been promoted to Business Development Loan Manager, effective May 1. Read more about this ob portu moment in the press release here.  Other staff adjustments are in motion to effectively align skill sets and passions among each courageous warrior, with great anticipation that we will announce our next warrior recruit in just a few weeks. We are leaning into every opportunity.

Not surprisingly, the last few weeks have been chock full of ob portu developments in the business community – across the entire One Rogue Valley harbor. We are fielding numerous loan inquiries for business startups, expansions, and business relocations. We have received enterprise zone applications for two new hotel developments, have spoken with officials from two distribution warehouse expansions, and have responded to several new recruitment leads.

Last week, Terrill and I were in Josephine County for an entire day – visiting 4 current loan clients, touring Taylor’s Sausage, and celebrating with the Illinois Valley Community Development Organization (IVCDO) their success stories and community awards. This event was held at one of their newest Cave Junction businesses – Bruno’s Cavern, a new sports bar located on the Redwood Hwy.  The new owner, Ben Filip (pictured) seized his opportunity to invest and renovated an old, dilapidated tavern.

Again, no surprise, but every one of the businesses we visited that day are in the middle of an expansion creating and retaining jobs, making new capital investments, and chasing down every opportunity. It has been an extraordinary week.   I think the tide is turning.

Seize your ob portu moment!  I trust you won’t be just a loud noise and miss your opportunity!


Colleen Padilla, Executive Director


Notes from Colleen’s Desk, May 18, 2023

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