Ten Seats Available on Industry Tour, March 16

Join us at 8:00 am on Thursday, March 16 at the Rogue Regency for muffins and coffee. The bus leaves at 8:20am and we have you back by 3:00pm.  Seats are limited to SOREDI Members only, cost is $45. You’ll appreciate this opportunity to chat with local elected officials and educators as we travel from stop to stop. Allow us to surprise you with a sample of hidden manufacturing in Jackson County.

This Industry Tour will visit Pacific Crest Transformers, a leader in the design and construction of liquid filled distribution transformers with the flexibility to offer custom designs for pad mount, unit substation, station and specialty transformers to meet the demands of a fast-paced and ever changing marketplace.

Next stop, Ascentron Electronic Manufacturing. Ascentron delivers a complete range of services from PCB assembly through complete box build and logistics services. Ascentron supports high-mix, low-to-medium volume projects for small, medium and large OEMs.

Rogue Disposal and Recycling has multiple things to show us on the tour; Rogue Compost takes green waste generated by homes and businesses in Jackson County and turns it into compost approved for use on organic farms and gardens, Dry Creek Landfill accepts waste from 5 counties in SW Oregon and 3 counties in NW California and safely disposes of it in a manner that meets or exceeds EPA and DEQ regulations, and their Gas to Energy facility takes methane generated by Dry Creek Landfill and turns it into electricity that powers 3000 homes in the Rogue Valley.

The Talon Grill at the Eagle Point Golf Course will provide a catered lunch at the Gas and Oil Facility at Rogue Disposal.

The afternoon concludes with a tour of BIOMED Diagnostics. You will be amazed by their diagnostic capabilities and cutting edge technology. SAY HELLO TO A NEW ERA IN DIAGNOSTICS AND SAY GOODBYE TO SLIDES AND PETRI DISHES!

The bus will return you to you car at the Rogue Regency by 3:00 pm.

As always, we appreciate our generous sponsors US Bank and Blue Cross/Blue Shield of Oregon who provide 10 seats on the bus for educators and workforce development partners.

© 1987-2024 SOREDI 100 E Main Street, Suite A, Medford, OR 97501 • Phone: (541) 773-8946